The foam of open cell polyurethane materials are very porous and has an excellent performance regarding sound insulation.
Detail porosity open-cell polyurethane
Its main advantages are the following:
- Low birth weight (10-12 kg/m3).
- Low thermal conductivity (0,035-0.040 W / m K)
- High sealability.
- Easy implementation, possibility of application by projection.
- Good behavior in case of fire.
- Increased durability over other insulation systems.
- Good adhesion to different substrates: brick, wood, concrete, plaster laminate.
Thermal insulation foam closed-cell polyurethane has better properties than open cell (conductivity 0.028 W / m K) being able to combine both to achieve better performance or Thermoacoustic.
In the next picture can be seen the mode of application:
Implementation of open cell polyurethane projection
But should not make the mistake of applying it to improve soundproofing enclosures already implemented without first analyzing transmisón pathways of sound. It is common to confuse the information provided by the manufacturer on possible improvements in sound reduction index with real improvement when applied in a run in a building enclosure.
In architectural acoustics applications may be employed in improving the sound insulation of facades and interior partitions as in improving the impact sound insulation.
Metal Matrix Pvt. Ltd. is a leading Manufacturer and Suppliers of open cell ceiling manufacturers, open cell ceiling in Bangalore