The first step is to perform a repair sealed it for the purpose of filling the cracks and pores that can deposit the forged like the rest of the room walls to be treated.
Avoid tight junctions between the conduits and the various walls of the room, for elements that can be used as fasteners elastic rubber sheets ...
When performing a local acoustic conditioning must begin with the roof of it. The installation of an acoustic ceiling prevents the transmission of airborne noise through forged.
Good acoustic performance of these roofs is due to the following mechanisms of action:
- Law of mass: the soundproofing of a homogeneous element depends directly on its surface mass. In an acoustic ceiling elements that give mass to all gypsum boards are laminated.
- Elasticity: the sound waves cause vibration of the acoustic ceiling. Rigid connections between roof and structure contribute to the transmission of vibration to other enclosures. The vibrations cause the generation of sound waves in adjacent enclosures. To avoid this effect used so-called roof insulators, these elements are dampers that dissipate the energy of the incident sound waves allowing some movement of the roof.
- Sealing: The junction between the acoustic ceiling and walls of the enclosure should not be rigid, as it conveys the vibrations of the walls to the acoustic ceiling. To resolve this union used rubber bands around the perimeter. Thus ensuring flexible watertight joint between the different elements.
In the cavity between the plasterboard and forged which is based should be placed sound-absorbing mineral wool to improve the sound insulation of the whole. These mineral wool favor the dissipation of waves that form in the air, transforming sound energy into heat energy by friction with the pores of the material.
The following details can be seen the various elements of acoustic ceiling:

The installation of the roof is done through a series of metal sections that are attached to supporting elements through the roof insulators. Plasterboard fixing these metal sections.
In cases that require very high performance can use a cladding for the roof of the local boards as plasterboard.
For the proper design of an acoustic ceiling special attention to the mass of all elements of it. Depending on the mass of the assembly and the type of roof insulators indicates the number of insulators. They must withstand a load as close as possible to its optimal design load provided by the manufacturer.
Insulators should be distributed evenly to avoid supporting various loads, and to prevent the occurrence of buckling of the plasterboard and metal structures that support them.
Once installed, the local acoustic ceiling will proceed to install the cladding on the walls of the enclosure and decorative ceiling is suspended acoustic ceiling of the room. The cavity between the two roofs will pass facilities (air conditioning ducts, electrical ...)
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